As many of you know Pack 7 owns an antiquated wooden pinewood derby track that takes considerable time to race on as it does not contain any timing mechanisms. This past year we borrowed San Anselmo Pack 50’s track and timer. Now Mill Valley Cub Scout troop have given Pack 7 their old track, which is an aluminum track mounted on a wooden platform with a timing mechanism.
On Thursday July 10th, a bunch of us had fun helping with a project to survey the invasive Green Crab population at Sea Drift Lagoon, near Stinson Beach. The boys helped measure, determine the sex and mark the crabs for release (catch and release survey). Their efforts are part of a two week survey to determine a population estimate for the Green Crabs in Sea Drift Lagoon. The survey will help determine the success of the current removal methods. At the 2015 Marin County Fair, Marin Council held their annual Pinewood Derby Race. This is where the winners from each rank (Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos I, Webelos II) for each Cub Scout Pack in Marin County come together for a race off to see who is the fastest in the County. Our own James Tacherra from Pack 7 won the Tiger division of the Marin Pinewood Derby (trophy in his right hand). Not only that, he also went on to beat all the winners from each rank, in order to capture the trophy of fastest Pinewood Derby Car in Marin!!! Congratulations James! |